Attaching >2Tb disks to Linux
Here is the sequence of commands to make disk space usable in Linux for disks >2Tb (so your regular fdisk won’t help you here).
Tips and tricks for your Riviera Maya trip (Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Akumal, Tulum etc)
There are plenty of great posts about what to expect when you’re traveling to Mexico in general and Riviera Maya in particular. So instead of writing another one let me just list couple lessons learned that hopefully will make your trip to Mexico even more enjoyable.
How to silence a piezo buzzer in your microwave, alarm clock etc
Almost every time I buy a piece of electronics with some sort of alarm it always includes a super loud and mega annoying buzzer notifying about the end of cycle. Though tuning it off completely is an easy operation (just open the case and cut the wire) making it just…
Fixing Sony Pulse Elite Edition Wireless Headset Blue Light of Death
Sony Pulse Elite Edition Wireless Headset is the finest you can find for PS3 and it totally worth its sticker price between $100 to $150. This is one of only a few options providing Surround sound for PS3, thanks to Sony proprietary protocols used for sound delivery to your ears.
How to make browser offline cache retrieve new version of the page when browser is online, but keep using cache when it is offline
Offline cache is awesome! For certain things. For most regular web pages it is unfortunately not. Here is web developer’s most frequent use for the offline cache: make browser use cached version of the page when browser is offline but refresh it when it gets online. What could be simpler…
AWS EC2 ssh not responding in RHEL 6.4 AMI
I was fighting with an AWS bug today seeming just ridiculous for a system that makes ssh the only way to access the server. With no console login EC2 users are completely dependent on flawless sshd operation and Amazon team just did a really bad job preparing the RHEL 6.4…
How to use large / multiline text as a field in mongodb
I’m working on a project that requires storing large multiline chunks of text in MongoDB. The chunks should be inserted in the database during initial database population, so I need to enter them somewhere in db population script. Unfortunately you can’t just put something like this:
db.tests.insert( {
name: ‘test’,
text: ‘this is
rPlay rocks!
I’m currently beta-testing rPlay and this software totally rocks! What’s rPlay? Well, imagine yourself willing to share content of your iPhone or iPad screen with you family. There are couple ways to do this: you can get an Apple TV ($99) or … well, that’s actually it. AirPlay is…
Fixing Verizon FiOS DNS Problems
Your superfancy FiOS internet link is getting flaky for no reason every now and then? The reason could be not the fiber-optic cable (which is awesome), but a problem with part of infrastructure called DNS servers. The DNS (Domain Name Resolution) servers are responsible for translating domain names such as…
ActionView::Template::Error (active_admin.css isn’t precompiled)
Just sepnt quite some time fixing infamous “ActionView::Template::Error (active_admin.css isn’t precompiled)” error on prod. Everything worked fine in dev environment but once I put the code on prod it broke. Couple websites proposed several solutions, but none of them worked for me. Finally a combination of difference recipes seemed to…
Apple’s review fraud prevention system is as useless as Amazon’s :(
I already was writing about fraudulent reviews on Just today found the same lame approache to reviews on app store. Developer Jackadam seems investing ton of money into the promotion of a program called “Dark Sky – Weather radar, Hyperlocal Forecasts, and …”. I found a very positive review…