WWF Fundraiser Video
Many years ago in another life I created a fundraiser for the World Wildlife Foundation. The fundraiser is gone, the platform I used for the fundraiser (my employer at the time) is gone but since the WWF is still here and fighting, let me share the video I created for…
How to Get Free Domain Wildcard Certificates
In one of the previous posts I wrote about getting free certificates for the website using Let’s Encrypt and Certbot. Hope that article was helpful and helped you to save some money on SSL, but one topic remained not covered in that post. What if you’re a lucky owner of…
Be the Boss of Your Passwords (using Bitwarden Self-hosting)
Bitwarden is a unique solution for your password needs (whether you are a person caring about security or an organization caring about the same). Unlike competition, it’s opensource and could be self-hosted. Unfortunately it’s setup is not very compatible with servers having its own Let’s encrypt certificates or running other web server. This post describes how to install Bitwarden behind nginx reverse proxy using your own Let’s Encrypt + Certbot.
Stop Paying for SSL Certificates!
If you’re running a website and want to protect your site’s visitors with HTTPS then you may enjoy this detailed explanation of how to use Let’s encrypt and Certbot to stop paying for SSL certificates.
3 Simple Ways to Spot Fake Product Reviews on Amazon.com
Internet is full of “fake reviews”. In order to spot them look at the review dates clustering, reviewers profiles and reviews relevancy to the specific product.
Always Analyze the Reviews
Just like many of us, I rely a lot on the product reviews while deciding what to buy. What could be a…
Fixing Google AdSense-WordPress Integration problems
As you may have noticed, this site is heavily relying on GoogleAds and setting up the ads was a bit challenging task. Everything was a lot simpler years ago, but now the ads require adding the GDPR disclaimer, ads.txt, ideally linking various google systems and so on. Anyway, just wanted…
How to Upload Huge Images to WordPress
Well, this actually applies not just to WordPress but to most PHP applications, it’s just that with WordPress market share close to 60% this is the platform where you most frequently see the problem to manifest. It looks like this:
Maximum upload file size: 2M
The problem is not really WordPress’, it’s…
Fixing NextGen Gallery Problem with Absolute Paths
I just upgraded NexGen Gallery plugin for WordPress and found most of the galleries ruined. What’s worse is that even the plugin’s own configuration interface became broken. Quick googling around revealed that I’m not the only one and a lot of people are affected by this problem. Not sure why…
How to quickly check if an internet store is a scam
So imagine you go to google shopping (http://froogle.com) and search for an item to buy and google returns you a really awesome price for the thing you dreamed about your whole life (or just the last 5 minutes). And you are almost ready to go ahead and order the item…
Fixing MacBook Pro BootCamp Black Screen of Death
So one day I’ve power on Windows on a BootCamp-enabled Windows 7 MBP Retina and after booting and making bunch of happy sounds the display went blank. No matter how many times I rebooted it the display kept looking dead. The computer was obviously running. It’s easy to check by…
How to migrate ownCloud 6 from sqlite to MySQL
Those who do not know what ownCloud is probably should read about it here: http://owncloud.com. This is an awesome tool that provides functionality similar to dropbox, but uses your own server to host the files. We all know about dropbox’s bad behavior like storing passwords on the server side, accessing…