I already was writing about fraudulent reviews on amazon.com. Just today found the same lame approache to reviews on app store. Developer Jackadam seems investing ton of money into the promotion of a program called “Dark Sky – Weather radar, Hyperlocal Forecasts, and …”. I found a very positive review about it on dealnews.com and decided to read user reviews. Take a look yourself: http://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZContentLink.woa/wa/link?path=apps%2fdarksky. There are ton of positive comments but also surprising number of one-start comments. This is very suspicious. But if you take a look at the timestamp of almost ALL 5-star reviews you will find they were all made on June 28th, while lower-rated reviews are randomly spreaded across the calendar. Isn’t that obvious that most if not all positive reviews are fake?
Why industry giants like appstore and amazon are not spending a tiniest fraction of their humongous revenue on protecting their customers is a mystery to me.