Moving site …
I’m currently moving the site, so the content (images, in particular) might not be available for for another 24 hours. Sorry about inconvenience.
How to control Pleo wirelessly via bluetooth
Pleo is a wonderful dinosaur, way more charming then roboraptor and other sapiences. It is the most advanced toy robot currently available on the market in the
Web server overload
I experience serious problems with the webserver load. After a few posts about the routerbot (which is 7+months old!) on a few popular websites the server start suffering from low RAM/CPU power. Last time I remember something like this only during times.
I beg my apology for this situation. The…
New video: wireless Pleo (this time via bluetooth)
I’ve uploaded the new video about getting your very own wireless dinosaur. It shows how you can control Pleo from almost any bluetooth-enabled device, including cellphones, smartphones, communicators, PCs etc. All you need is bluetooth and a terminal program.
I’m going to publish more details about how to make Pleo wireless…
How to import video from Canon Vixia HF100 to your PC without PixelaMixer
At the moment Canon Vixia HF100 is the best consumer HD flash camera. It’s not perfect, I found plenty of glitches and inconveniences like
Sometimes it takes up to 15 seconds to switch the mode (Play/Record)
The navigation is not very intuitive
The official video backup process via Pixela Mixer (i.e. you need…
How to make Delphi TFrame background transparent
I actually think this method will work for Visual Basic and other similar languages too. Here is the code for a sample frame called TfrKnob:
How did I brick Pleo and returned it back to life.
You’ve probably heard about Pleo – the greenest and coolest dinosaur available on today’s market. My daughter got one for her birthday recently from her loving parents. She enjoyed it for a few days and then just got bored because it was the same moo, mrrr and urf and not…
“Setup cannot continue because some system files are out of date on your system.”
“Setup cannot continue because some system files are out of date on your system. Click OK if you would like setup to update these files for you now. You will need to restart Windows before you can run setup again. Click cancel to exit setup without updating system files.”
First time…
Problems downloading drivers from
I don’t know exactly what causes the problem, but I’m unable to download anything from HP (Hewlett-Packard) website. I tried downloading using multiple FTP clients from different platforms and it appeared that Safari under MacOS can download the files, while Firefox under both Windows and MacOS can’t. Right now I…
Updating BIOS on ALIX 2 series (fixing “NET: Registered protocol family 16” boot freeze)
I recently tried to install voyage linux on an ALIX computer and found that versions 5.0 don’t run on it hanging with “NET: Registered protocol family 16” message during the boot. After quick research I found that “MFGPT workaround” option should be disabled in the bios settings in order to…
Latest/last news about
Domain Name Wire revealed all details about domain sale. Here is the source: “National A-1 Buys”. So the real domain owner was Chris Clark and the domain buyer is National A-1 Advertising. Hopefully this answers all questions.
So far the changes on website are hardly visible. From what…