“Cannot load adsense-deluxe.php” problem with AdSense-Deluxe Plugin for WordPress
The AdSense-Deluxe plugin is just wonderful! I used Adsense Manager before and didn’t like the fact it uses old code for Google Adsense and I can do nothing about that. AdSense-Deluxe is way simpler and allows you to modify the actual code – very smart move. Unfortunately after installation it…
Immigration to Australia
I started republishing posts from my old website about immigration to Australia. First few posts are available here, more are coming later. All posts are in Russian. All posts are not published on the first page.
Simple free online IP conversion tool
For debugging purposes I frequently need to quickly convert ip addresses from one representation to another. Here is quick and dirty (I’ll cleanup the interface when get some free time) converter that does the job.
If you don’t see the form below because of some reason please proceed to this page.
How to improve NFS performance (Linux, OpenSUSE 10.3)
When I used NFS first time 15 years ago on Sun it seemed to me the top of progress. And it really was at that time. So dealing mostly with samba during last few years I forgot how actually NFS works until a few days ago when I issued standard…
Reservation Rewards aka WebLoyalty – Problem Solved
Recently I’ve got $10 charge from company called “Reservation Rewards” …
I’ve seen this company before in one of those “Use your chance to get $20” with really long explanation that hides the fact you have to subscribe to “Reservation rewards” for $12/month in order to get those $20. But I…
Interesting Google Webmaster Tools Misfeature (Re:Sitemap)
I recently uploaded a sitemap for a new website to google and It looks like google webmaster tools do not accept sitemap containing just single url. The error it reports is “Missing XML tag”.
How to configure master/slave DNS servers so they do not conflict with Plesk 8.2
When you need to implement a DNS master/slave relationship, you obviously can go ahead and edit named config files, but when you do next change to DNS configuration using Plesk most your changes will be lost. From the other side Plesk doesn’t provide slave server configuration…
How to enforce POP3s by disabling POP3 in courier-imap pop3 server
Sometimes, for security reasons, it is useful to disable pop3 protocol on a server, leaving users with necessity of using secure pop3 protocol (i.e. in outlook they will have to check “Use SSL checkbox”, otherwise mail just won’t work). The civilized method is of course just ask people politely to…
How to check if your POP3 server works normally
When your mail is not working it is important to know exactly what part is broken (so you know if you should go blame sysadmin or just check your mail client settings). Let’s simulate basic POP3 client using regular telnet (enter commands without quotes) in order to check if the…
“553 sorry, that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts; no valid cert for gatewaying” problem solving for Outlook, macmail, Plesk 8.2
“553 sorry, that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts; no valid cert for gatewaying”
There could be many things leading to the problem. One of them is client inability to authorize to SMTP server. Here’s a quick explanation of what happens and how the problem could be solved.
How to purchase an SSL ceritficate for your website (using Plesk 8.2)
Despite the process of obtaining an SSL certificate for your website is not very difficult it may take you plenty of time, because the price of mistake could be rather high. I’d say you can loose hundreds of dollars if you buy wrong type of certificate or get it from…