How to automate fdisk (how to partition a lot of disks quickly)
Imagine you need to create say 10 disks with predefined partitions loaded with some software. The ideal solution would be automatic disk partitioning and copying the software to it. While copying files is an easy-to-do everyday procedure partitioning is a bit more tricky (really, just a little bit). Here is…
How to enable filmstrip view in Windows Explorer (Windows XP)
Windows explorer in XP has very nice feature of displaying folder contents as a filmstrip. It is very handy to browse lots of images. Unfortunately the logic of turning it on and off this feature doesn’t perfectly match the reality. Here’s explanation how you can enable filmstrip view for your…
How to disable automount in linux (Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16)
Imagine you’re repartitioning a disk and when you quit fdisk writing the new partition table automount tries to mount new partitions. So instead of refreshed disk ready for newfs you get this warning:
WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.
The kernel still uses the old…
Solving “The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that could not be verified.” problem
Uff that was tough one … If you decided to make your mail communications more secure you probably switched on SSL option in your mail client for POP3/IMAP/SMTP servers. There is a good chance you will get one of those errors that sound like
The server you are connected to is…
Why *nix md5sum and PHP md5() do not match?
I recently tried to calculate md5 from *nix using md5sum and PHP md5() function. The result might surprise you – they don’t match in the situation you expect them to match. Here is explanation why and how to fix that.
MacMail failes while receiving mail using imap from courier mail
As usually there might be a lot of reasons for that. In my case the reason became clear when I checked /var/log/messages:
imapd-ssl: /etc/courier-imap/shared/index: No such file or directory problem. The quick and dirty solution appeared to be really quick.
How to install coupons module for osCommerce (notes on installation and configuration)
The purpose of this post is not to replace the original coupons module installation manual, but to provide answers that you might have while installing it. It is based on my own experience and might be different from yours. This post is a part of set related to installing and…
How to configure Paypal Website Payments Pro module for osCommerce (notes on installation and configuration)
The purpose of this post is not to replace the original PayPal installation manual, but to provide answers that you might have while installing it. It is based on my own experience and might be different from yours. This post is a part of set related to installing and configuring…
How to configure USPS module for osCommerce (notes on installation and configuration)
The purpose of this post is not to replace the original USPS installation manual, but to provide answers that you might have while installing it. It is based on my own experience and might be different from yours. This post is a part of set related to installing and configuring…
How to Install osCommerce (notes on installation and configuration)
The purpose of this post is not to replace the original osCommerce installation manual, but to provide answers that you maight have while installing it. It is based on my own experience and might be different from yours. This post is a part of set related to installing and configuring…
How to establish your own internet store with osCommerce, USPS shipping, Paypal Pro payment and Coupons
If you want to sell something in the internet you have multiple options, like
Open store
Open store
If you’re selling software/non-material goods you can use multiple services like share-it
If you want everything quicker and ready to pay more and have less control on your store – go ahead…