Author: Andrey Mikhalchuk

Posted in Other Web

ActionView::Template::Error (active_admin.css isn’t precompiled)

Just sepnt quite some time fixing infamous “ActionView::Template::Error (active_admin.css isn’t precompiled)” error on prod. Everything worked fine in dev environment but once I put the code on prod it broke. Couple websites proposed several solutions, but none of them worked for me. Finally a combination of difference recipes seemed to…

Posted in Other

Apple’s review fraud prevention system is as useless as Amazon’s :(

I already was writing about fraudulent reviews on Just today found the same lame approache to reviews on app store. Developer Jackadam seems investing ton of money into the promotion of a program called “Dark Sky – Weather radar, Hyperlocal Forecasts, and …”. I found a very positive review…

Posted in Other

Fraudulent promotion techniques on Amazon are getting smarter

Take a look at this item:

Posted in How To Other

Oracle Policy Automation Modeler Debugger 10.4.3 is not working with Internet Explorer 10

Oracel Policy Modeler Debugger is not working with Internet Explorer 10. You can still use it to author and compile rules, but debugger with windows just hangs.
There is no official fix for this yet, so your only option is to uninstall IE10 if you can. In windows 7 go to…

Posted in Other Web

Enabling HTTPS in JBoss EAP 5, Using Self-Signed Certificate

Surprisingly by default JBoss EAP (at least version 5) comes with HTTPS disabled. Here is how to enable it:

Posted in Hardware How To

FPV Japan / BEVRC Cable pinout

If you don’t hear about it FPV Japan is a small device that records standard definition video from analog sources. This is an indispensable device for FPV RC pilots and the ones who want to digitize old analog video tapes. I fall into both categories, but unfortunately the video cable…

Posted in Other Web

Using Jive Managed Snippets Plugin

Managed Snippets Plugin for Jive is awesome. It allows administrators to define sort of “macros” that can be reused on a Jive portal. The best part is that it allows to workaround the regular limitation for using javascript and HTML tags. Yes, that’s right, you can use Javascript, IFRAMEs and…

Posted in Linux Web

Default login and password for JBoss EAP 5.1.2

The default login for the admin user for the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 5.2.1 and other v5 versions is “admin”. The passwords is obviously also “admin”. However if you try those right after the installation they won’t work, because you need to patch two files:

Posted in How To Linux

make: /opt/local/bin/ginstall: No such file or directory

make: /opt/local/bin/ginstall: No such file or directory

This happened to me while running bundle install on json v1.7.7.
The fix is

# sudo if necessary
ln -s /usr/bin/install /opt/local/bin/ginstall

Posted in How To Linux

Installing Oracle XE 11g on OpenSuSE 12.2 and similar

Overall the installation is pretty smooth, just follow the instructions on Oracle website.
There are two minor hiccups though:
1. cannot touch `/var/lock/subsys/listener’: No such file or directory
This error is cause by the fact there is no /var/lock/subsys directory in some Linux distros, so you need to create one. Before you…

Posted in How To Other

How to call Oracle Policy Automation via SOAP/WSDL

As you probably read in my other post, OPA is a great alternative to the Oracle Business Rules (OBR) as all the business logic could be exposed via web services. Unfortunately Oracle didn’t leave us much documentation about how to do that. So if you’re wondering how do you call…