Category: Software

Various posts related to software

Posted in Software Web

Rails: what happens when memcached goes down

I tried to figure out how rails reacts to the fact that memcached goes down. Unfortunately there is no god documentation about this besides saying that everything will be fine. Also there are couple misleading posts in different forums saying that rails will never rediscover memcached server that went down…

Posted in Hardware Linux Robotics Software

Fix: Error: register r24, r26, r28 or r30 required

I was recently compiling some Arduino code with NewSoftSerial and got hit by infamous “Error: register r24, r26, r28 or r30 required” error. NewSoftSerial is a great library and those using older avr-gcc compiler enjoy it alot. Problem is the newer gcc doesn’t like one nasty error in the code…

Posted in Hardware How To Linux Software

Consolidating All Media Files With Archos 605 and Linux Media Server

Many people are dreaming about consolidating all media files (video, music, pictures etc) in a single place. For some it is a huge full of DVDs, CDs and photos. Others buy hardware media servers and store all files in them. I chose a solution based on Archos 605 WiFi and…

Posted in Hardware Linux Software Tools Web

MineStream Defender – the ultimate network security device

Last 12 months I was working on an interesting device that provides the network security features many companies and families are dreaming about. You probably already have heard about different threats out there like internet predators, viruses, spyware, dangerous websites, confidential information leaking from your business and others. Also…

Posted in How To Linux Software

Solving “configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables” problem

You ran ./configure and got “configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables”. Here is how to fix it …

Posted in How To Linux Software Web

Squid: unrecognized httpd_accel_port, httpd_accel_with_proxy on, httpd_accel_uses_host_header

I was recently installing squid at home as a single caching proxy for all computers in my home network. The simple way is just running squid on your linux router as is and configuring every single browser on all computers in your network so they access internet using squid. That’s…

Posted in Software

Software review

I prepared a page with my favorite software review. Most (if not all) of the utilities are for free and I hope you will enjoy those useful tools.

Posted in How To Linux Software

How to automate fdisk (how to partition a lot of disks quickly)

Imagine you need to create say 10 disks with predefined partitions loaded with some software. The ideal solution would be automatic disk partitioning and copying the software to it. While copying files is an easy-to-do everyday procedure partitioning is a bit more tricky (really, just a little bit). Here is…

Posted in How To Linux Software Windows

Solving “The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that could not be verified.” problem

Uff that was tough one … If you decided to make your mail communications more secure you probably switched on SSL option in your mail client for POP3/IMAP/SMTP servers. There is a good chance you will get one of those errors that sound like
The server you are connected to is…

Posted in Software Web

“Cannot load adsense-deluxe.php” problem with AdSense-Deluxe Plugin for WordPress

The AdSense-Deluxe plugin is just wonderful! I used Adsense Manager before and didn’t like the fact it uses old code for Google Adsense and I can do nothing about that. AdSense-Deluxe is way simpler and allows you to modify the actual code – very smart move. Unfortunately after installation it…

Posted in Linux Software

How to improve NFS performance (Linux, OpenSUSE 10.3)

When I used NFS first time 15 years ago on Sun it seemed to me the top of progress. And it really was at that time. So dealing mostly with samba during last few years I forgot how actually NFS works until a few days ago when I issued standard…