Simple free online IP conversion tool

For debugging purposes I frequently need to quickly convert ip addresses from one representation to another. Here is quick and dirty (I’ll cleanup the interface when get some free time) converter that does the job.
If you don’t see the form below because of some reason please proceed to this page.
The following formats are supported:

  • integer
  • unsigned integer
  • dot notation
  • hex number
  • binary number
  • octal number
  • natural netmask

Please specify one of the following

Convert from int: Convert from dot notation:

36 || $base == 10) {
echo ‘BASE must be in the range 2-9 or 11-36’;
$charset = substr($charset, 0, $base);
if (!ereg(‘(^[0-9]{1,16}$)’, trim($decimal))) {
$error[‘dec_input’] = ‘Value must be a positive integer’;
return false;
do {
$remainder = bcmod($decimal, $base);
$char = substr($charset, $remainder, 1); // get CHAR from array
$string = “$char$string”; // prepend to output
$decimal = bcdiv(bcsub($decimal, $remainder), $base);
} while ($decimal > 0);
return $string;

function string2dec ($string, $base)
global $error;
$decimal = 0;
$base = (int)$base;
if ($base < 2 || $base > 36 || $base == 10) {
echo ‘BASE must be in the range 2-9 or 11-36’;
$charset = substr($charset, 0, $base);
$string = trim($string);
if (empty($string)) {
$error[] = ‘Input string is empty’;
return false;
do {
$char = substr($string, 0, 1); // extract leading character
$string = substr($string, 1); // drop leading character
$pos = strpos($charset, $char); // get offset in $charset
if ($pos === false) {
$error[] = “Illegal character ($char) in INPUT string”;
return false;
$decimal = bcadd(bcmul($decimal, $base), $pos);
} while($string <> null);
return $decimal;

function pad( $str, $num )
return str_repeat( “0”, $num – strlen( $str ) ).$str;

// main
if( isset( $_GET[“submit”] ) )
$ip = 0;
if( isset( $_GET[“int”] ) && $_GET[“int”] != “” )
$ip = $_GET[“int”];
else if( isset( $_GET[“dot”] ) && $_GET[“dot”] != “” )
$ip = ip2long( $_GET[“dot”] );
$ip = 0;

$uns_ip = ( $ip > 0 ? $ip : 0xffffffff + $ip + 1 ) + 0;

if( ( $uns_ip & 0x80000000 ) == 0 )
$mask = 0xff000000;
else if( ( $uns_ip & 0xC0000000 ) == -2147483648 )
$mask = 0xffff0000;
else if( ( $uns_ip & 0xE0000000 ) == -1073741824 )
$mask = 0xffffff00;
$mask = “”;
$dot_ip = long2ip( $uns_ip );
$hex_ip = dec2string( $uns_ip, 16 );
$hex_ip = “0x”.pad( $hex_ip, 8 );
$oct_ip = dec2string( $uns_ip, 8 );
$oct_ip = “0”.pad( $oct_ip, 16 );
$bin_ip = dec2string( $uns_ip, 2 );
$bin_ip = pad( $bin_ip, 32 );

Conversion result

Dot notation
Decimal number
Unsigned decimal number
Hexadecimal number
Binary number
Octal number
Natural netmask

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